Our goal while creating Nike films with Gabi Guimaraes and Zehra Güneş was to explore their mindset in order to reflect how they “feel good”, to reveal their fitness habits, and show how they achieve their mind-body balance.
Thus, we aimed to reflect our heroes’ journey in a short documentary film format. In this manner, we could get the viewers to relate to our heroes and explain in depth why they were constantly on the move.
Our films begin and end with a meditation scene. Between these brackets, we wanted to reflect their emotional change to the viewers. Within a similar structure close to the hero’s journey, we explained how our characters manage to “feel good” despite all the difficulties and obstacles they face.
To reflect the documentary aesthetics and enhance the sense of the documentary, we used cinematography and colors that strengthen the analog feel. We knew that the use of VHS in the documentation part and the utilization of an edit language open to aspect ratio change would also add layers to the film.
Every scene in our films holds a different dramatic structure. The camera used voyeur language to reflect the ambition and determination of the characters during the individual training scenes. In the meditation scenes at the end of the film, our characters leave behind their spiritual journey and utter the closing sentence at the point where we break the 4th wall. In all our stylistic preferences, we aimed to create a feeling of intimacy between the character and the viewer.
“The best part of this enjoyable project, was the coronation of the team at the Vakıfbank’s Champions League the day after its broadcast, it was as if the film was rewarded too.”
- Tuğkun Zeroğlu